Workplace Security

The G8 Pro V2 fully integrates enhanced non-lethal (ENL) technologies and a communications platform to provide a deterrent to aggression and a safe personal defense solution as part of a workplace violence response plan.
Common Sense Response with Essential Risk Mitigation
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Workplace Violence Survey, published in 2012, found that over one-third (36%) of organizations reported incidents of workplace violence. The associated costs where workplace violence has occurred are high: 55% report management time/expense, 37% experience productivity loss, and 34% incur staff replacement costs resulting from turnover caused by the incident.
Averting incidents, preparing for them and having a planned response are all critical components of an ongoing workplace violence prevention program. Owning this issue is a huge, ongoing responsibility that involves human resources, security chiefs, and ultimately all employees in an organization to be educated, alert and ready when an event occurs.
G8 Pro V2 as an Essential Component of a Response Plan
As part of an emergency response plan, the Pro V2 can be used by any staff member in any setting at a substantially lower risk and lower cost than lethal force. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recommends a strategy of “Run, Hide or Fight” as response to incidents involving an active shooter or other threats in a workplace.
Pro V2 adds several layers of defense to this strategy:
Leave the area of danger immediately and seek cover or concealment in accordance with a practiced response plan. Armed Pro V2 immediately sends a distress call to a responder of your choice.
If unable to leave the area, seek cover or concealment. Prior to taking cover/concealment, deploy Pro V2’s O.C. pepper spray into the area where an active shooter may enter to cause an immediate aversion to entering.
If confronted with an active shooter, deploy Pro V2’s strobe light and siren to disorient, and deploy pepper spray toward target. Temporarily blind the attacker for your escape.
Three Reasons to Include Pro V2 in Your Response Plan
- Safe, legal and non-lethal in every situation, even risk-averse workplaces.
- Cost-effective and practical solution for defense of staff in the event of a physical security breach and where hired security are responding to emergencies.
- Where staff are non-tactical, Pro V2 provides a structured escalation of force that can be implemented under extreme duress and complies with practiced emergency procedures to ensure the safety of all involved.
Features of Pro V2
Enhanced non-lethal layered defense uses strobe light, siren and O.C. pepper spray to disable and disorient attacker.
- Provides a vital communication system that leverages familiar mobile technologies to provide real-time updates.
- Incident recorder activates immediately to aid in conviction and accurate portrayal of events.
- Customizable to fit with needs determined by organization’s emergency response plan.
Benefits of Pro V2
- An essential part of violence prevention programs in work environments where firearms are prohibited or inappropriate.
- A highly effective means of protection for employees covered under domestic/intimate partner violence policies.
- Provides a low-impact layered defense for risk-averse workplaces and a personal protection device for non-tactical users.
- Maintain a secure working environment where employees have less risk and enhanced personal safety.